- get one's ticket punched vt. 死亡
- We can get one more in if you shove up. 向前挤一挤我们还能再进一个人。
- He wants a stapler, but she have not get one. 他想要一个订书机,但她没有。
- A child 's ticket costs half the price. 儿童半票。
- I've put my name down for a ticket,but I don't know if I'll get one. 我已经登记要一张票,但不知道是否能得到。
- I offered my spare ticket to a young lady who had not been able to get one. 我把多余的票让给一位没买到票的年轻妇女。
- Hmmm... a seat in the S'section cost $2,000? Well,why not? I'll get one. 哼,特别座要2000元呀?嗯,不管了,买一张就是。
- He's got one powerful think piece, man. 伙计,他的头脑真行。
- We will have our tickets punched. 我们要剪票进站。
- A friend of mine in New York asked me to get one. 我在纽约的一个朋友托我买一瓶。
- Asplund's ticket sold for ๑,772 auctioneer Andrew Aldridge said. 据拍卖商安德鲁&%238226;阿尔德里吉介绍,莉莲的那张船票以65772美元的高价拍出。
- I haven't got one particle of race prejudice. 我没有丝毫的种族偏见。
- The stub portions of tags stapled to the passenger‘s ticket envelope. 标签的另一部分订在旅客的机票上。
- Do you think you could get one for me? 你想你能否为我搞到一件呢?
- Would you like to get one for the children at home? 您是否给家里的孩子买一部。
- Remember to punch your train ticket at ticket punch machine before entering the platform, and check in 20 minutes prior to train departure. 然后,请到有关打卡机打孔,继而在代码共享火车预定离开时间最少20分钟前办理登车手续。
- MRS. BENNETT: And get one in Stamford? 班纳特夫人:打算在斯坦福德租一个?
- I tried to get one seat forward in the plane. 我试着在飞机上找了个再靠前一排的座位。
- Shall we have two 30's tickets for the show,please? 我们买两张30的票。
- Yes,sir. I'll try to get one for you right now. 好的,我立刻找一位医生来。